RICELT Infographics

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RICELT infographics: Accessible and situated ELT research

This project seeks to connect three key members of the RICELT community: school teachers, student teachers, and researchers. Through joint partnership and collaboration, all these members will create 5 digital infographics that will visually represent and link research and classroom knowledge. The digital infographics will be focused on a given topic and will answer questions such as: 

What does the current research in ELT show? 

How does this research connect to the Chilean EFL classroom? 

How does this theory and local-practice connection benefit Chilean EFL language learners?


    General Objective

    Make ELT research accessible and pertinent to the local ELT community

    Specific objectives

    Increase accessibility and relevance of ELT research to EFL teachers in Chile

    Relate ELT research to the local expertise and local classroom practices in the Chilean context

    Develop accessible open-access infographics available to the ELT community and EFL teachers in Chile 

    Develop and nurture partnerships between different ELT community members in Chile: RICELT researchers, teachers and student teachers

    4th Infographic: Critical Thinking and ELT

    3rd Infographic: Socio Emotional Learning in ELT

    2nd Infographic: Promoting Speaking Skills in the EFL Classroom: Challenges and recommendations

    1st Infographic:
    SENs in the English Language Classroom: Inclusive Practice

    Categories: Projects


    Natacha Pardo · July 25, 2022 at 3:58 pm

    I’m interested in participating. I have time this semester to commit to this project.

    M. Alejandro Urzúa Núñez · July 28, 2022 at 11:44 am

    To be part of this project about ELT research based on infographic, and being part of new learning environment. I am recently graduated English teacher.

    M. Alejandro Urzúa Núñez · July 28, 2022 at 7:53 pm

    I am interested in this project. I am an EFL teacher recently graduated and I would like being part of this.

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