Decentring ELT: Connecting Learning Communities in Latin America

DECENTRING ELT: CONNECTING REGIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES IN LATIN AMERICA We’re happy to announce our new project funded by the Hornby Educational Trust called  DECENTRING ELT: CONNECTING REGIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES IN LATIN AMERICA done in collaboration with multi-affiliation ELT teams from Argentina (FAAPI), Brazil (Exploratory Practice – Rio de Janeiro Group) and Chile Read more…

5th RICELT Biannual Conference

Conference programme (02.06.2023) Book of abstracts & full programme (02.06.2023) Conference evaluation form 5th RICELT Biannual Meeting June 2nd, 2023 RICELT (Red de Investigación Chilena en ELT) would like to invite teachers, researchers, academics, undergraduate and postgraduate students in Chile and abroad to present their work and proposals for the Read more…