Publications on the Chilean ELT context

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Updated 24.01.2025

This section includes articles, books, book chapters, book reviews, and handbooks.

If you know a publication which is not listed here, please e-mail us at its full reference in APA 7th edition.22245

  1. Abarzúa S., L., Cornejo E., E., & Sánchez Z., C. (2020). El enfoque aprendizaje basado en tareas como mecanismo para mejorar el clima en el aula: una experiencia de dos años con estudiantes practicantes en inglés como lengua extranjera en Santiago. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (46).
  2. Abrahams, M. J., & Farías, M. (2011). Struggling for Change in Chilean EFL Teacher Education. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, 12(2), 110-118.
  3. Abrahams, MJ., & Silva, P. (2016). The Career Trajectories of English Language Teachers. In P. Haworth & C. Craig (Eds.), The Career Trajectories of English Language Teachers (pp. 141-150). Oxford: Symposium Books.
  4. Abrahams, MJ., & Silva, P. (2017). What happens with English in Chile? Challenges in Teacher Preparation. In Kamhi-Stein, L., G. Díaz Maggioli, L. . de Oliveira (Eds), English language Teaching in South America. Policy, Preparation and Practice. (pp. 109-122). Multilingual Matters. ISBN 9781783097968.
  5. Acosta, H. & Yilorm, Y. (2016). El proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en la lengua inglesa bajo el enfoque focal skills en escuelas públicas chilenas. Revista Atenas. Vol. 1, N°33
  6. Alarcón, P, J. Hernández, J. Vergara, C. Díaz, D. Poveda.  (2015). Análisis de creencias sobre el rol docente en estudiantes de pedagogía en inglés chilenos a través de la metáfora conceptual.In Folios, 42(2), 161-177.
  7. Alarcón, P., Díaz, C., Tagle, T., Ramos, L., & Quintana, M. (2014). Metáforas para profesor y estudiante de pedagogía, en un grupo de estudiantes de pedagogía chilenos. Actualidades Investigativas en Educación, 14(2), 1-31. Retrieved on March 22, 2015, from
  8. Aliaga, L., Inostroza, M-J, Rebolledo, P, Romero, G, & Tabali, P. (2015). RICELT: Creating a research community in Chilean ELT. ELT RESEARCH. January 2015(30), pp.34-35.
  9. Aliaga-Salas, L. (2017). Teacher educators’ voices on undergraduate TEFL curriculum innovation in Chile (T. Pattison, Ed.). In IATEFL 2016 Birmingham conference selections (pp. 51-53). Faversham: IATEFL.
  10. Aliaga-Salas, L. (2019). Curriculum change in language teacher education: what does it take? (T. Pattison, Ed.). In IATEFL 2018 Brighton Conference selections (pp. 232-233). Faversham: IATEFL.
  11. Aliaga Salas, L. & Oncevska Ager, E.  (Eds.) (2020). “Creating Quiet Reflective Spaces: Language Teacher Research as Professional Development”. Faversham, Kent: IATEFL. Retrieved from: 
  12. Alvarado, M, Neira, M., Westmacott, A. (2019). Collaborative Reflective Practice: Its Influence on Preservice EFL Teachers’ Emerging Professional Identities. Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research 7(3), pp. 53-70. Retrieved from: 
  13. Anabalón, C., Casanova, F. , & Molina, S. (2016). The English level as a foreign language in 203 students (in the areas of economy, health, education and engineering) who form part of 9 undergraduate programmes, at Bío-Bío University in Chillán. The Language, Education and Culture Journal, 3(1).
  14. Anabalon Schaaf, R. (2022). The pedagogy of love: a register of precarised English teachers in Chile. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2022(276), 15-39.
  15. Anabalón Schaaf, R.(2024). Unveiling the historical foundations of English language education in Chile: A legacy of inequality. In Veliz, L., Barahona, M., & Darwin, S. (Eds.). Critiquing the Teaching and Learning of English in Chile. (pp. 120-133). Routledge.
  16. Arancibia, M.C. & Sadlier, S. (2018). The development of advanced academic writing in collegiate second language immersion programs: a genre – based approach. European Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 3(4). Retrieved 21/09/2018, from
  17. Arancibia, B., Diaz, C, and Tapia, M. (2011). La enseñanza y aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera: aproximaciones desde la investigación. Concepcion: Red Internacional del Libro (RIL).
  18. Arancibia, M. C., & Asenjo, N. (2024). Transformative teaching practices in the English language classroom: A dialogic perspective towards teachers’ narratives. In Veliz, L., Barahona, M., & Darwin, S. (Eds.). Critiquing the Teaching and Learning of English in Chile. (pp. 150-163). Routledge.
  19. Aravena, E., Castro, J., Gedda, O., & Peñaloza, R.(2016). Anxiety in English oral test performance. The Language, Education and Culture Journal, 3(1).
  20. Archanjo, R., Barahona, M. & Finardi, K. (2019). Identity of foreign language pre-service teachers to speakers of other languages: Insights from Brazil and Chile. Colomb. Appl. Linguistic. J., 21(1), pp. 62-75
  21. Arellano, R. (2018). A corpus linguistics application in the analysis of textbooks as national teaching instruments of English as a Second language in Chile. Revista Actualidades Investigativas de Educación. 18(1), pp.1-19. DOI:
  22. Arellano, R., Masykar, T., & Almulhim, A. (2018). The Rationale for A Proposal for English Language Education: The Experience of Developing a Curriculum to Teach English for Young Learners. In S, Chan, R. Mulyany, H. Fahlevi, H. Basri, M. Arfan & T. Masykar (Eds.), Advances in Social Sciences, Education and Humanities Research: Proceedings of the 1st Aceh Global Conference 2018 (pp. 179-185). Banda Aceh, Indonesia: Atlantis Press.
  23. Arellano, R. (2019). Learning discourse analysis from a TESOL perspective. English Australia Journal, 35(2), 35-44. Retrieved from: 
  24. Arellano, R. (2020). Challenges and opportunities to teach applied linguistics in the context of EFL teacher training. ELT RESEARCH. (35), 40-43. 
  25. Arellano, R., Reinao, P., Marianjel, A., & Curaqueo, G. (2020). Un estudio comparativo entre las metodologías usadas en la enseñanza del mapudungun como segunda lengua y el inglés como lengua extranjera. Forma y Función, 33(1), 87-114. 
  26. Arellano, R. & Nanetti, V. (2021). How to teach (applied) linguistics from the EFL teacher trainee’s perspective. English Language Teacher Education and Development journal (ELTED), 24, 72-80.
  27. Arellano, R. (2022). Errores orales producidos por profesores de inglés chilenos en formación ¿qué esperar de su competencia lingüística? Actas de la V Jornada de Jóvenes Lingüistas (pp. 1-10). Argentina: Universidad de Buenos Aires.
  28. Arellano, R., Hatoss, A. (2023). Caught Between a Bilingual Policy and Monolingual English Practices in Chile: Opportunities and Challenges of Translanguaging. In: Raza, K., Reynolds, D., Coombe, C. (eds) Handbook of Multilingual TESOL in Practice. Springer, Singapore.
  29. Arellano, R., & Gerigk, K. (2023). Insights from corpus linguistics: Using keywords-in-context to teach and assess English learning. English Australia Journal, 39(2), pp.66-75.
  30. Arellano, R. (2024). Promoting multilingual and multimodal literacy discourses: From silence to advocacy in Chilean EFL teacher education. Reimagining Literacies Pedagogy in the Twenty-first Century: Theorizing and Enacting Multiple Literacies for English Language Learners, 97.
  31. Arias-Contreras, C. (2022). Teaching Language and Content in Chilean Vocational Education Training (VET) Schools: Exploring the Perspectives of Industry Professionals and EFL Teachers. In Christison, A., Crandall, J, and Christian, D. (Eds.) Research on Integrating Language and Content in Diverse Contexts (pp. 110-125). Routledge.
  32. Asenjo, N. and Yancovic-Allen, M. (2024). Chilean English Language Teachers Transforming Their Beliefs and Practices Through Reflection. Profile: Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 26(2), 43–57.
  33. Arraño, C. (2015) Chile and its recent migration flows in a globalized world. Are we actually pulling or pushing population? The LEC Journal 2(1). ISSN 0719-497
  34. Astorga Cabezas, E. D. (2015). The relationship between listening proficiency and speaking improvement in higher education: Considerations in assessing speaking and listening. Higher Learning Research Communications, 5(2), 34-56.
  35. Astorga, E., & Bahamondes, P. (2021). Grammaring, its effects on oral performance among EFL beginner-level learners in Higher. Canadian Center of Science and Education, 14 (10), 130 – 142. DOI:
  36. Arévalo, F., Briesmaster, M. (2018). “Claim – Support – Question” Routine to Foster Coherence Within Interactive Oral Communication Among EFL Students. Profile: Issues in Teachers´ Professional Development, [S.l.], p. 143-160, july 2018. ISSN 2256-5760.
  37. Avello, D., & Muñoz, C. (2025). Exploring young L2 learners’ perceptions of their viewing experience with captioned animated cartoons. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 4(1), 100174.
  38. Bachler R, Segovia-Lagos P and Porras C. (2023). The role of emotions in educational processes: the conceptions of teacher educators. Front. Psychol. 14:1145294.
  39. Baitman, B., & Véliz Campos, M. (2013). A comparison of oral evaluation ratings by native English speaker teachers and non-native English speaker teachers. Literatura y lingüística, (27), 171-200. Retrieved July 25, 2014, from
  40. Baker, T., Montoya, K., Odu, P. and Villegas, C. (2021). Collaborative Development and Testing of a Textbook Evaluation Instrument. WAESOL Educator. 47(1).
  41. Banegas, D., de Stefani, M., Rebolledo, P., Rico Troncoso, C. & Smith, R. (eds.). (2020). Horizontes 1: ELT teacher research in Latin America. Faversham: IATEFL. Available at  
  42. Bañados, E. (2006) “A blended-learning pedagogical model for teaching and learning EFL successfully through an online interactive multimedia environment.” Calico Journal 23(3): 533-550.
  43. Barahona, M. (2014) Pre-service teachers’ beliefs in the activity of learning to teach English in the Chilean context. Cultural-Historical Psychology. Moscow, Russia.
  44. Barahona, M. (2014). Exploring the curriculum of second language teacher education (SLTE) in Chile: A case study. Perspectiva Educacional, 53(2), 45-67.
  45. Barahona, M. (2015) Contradictions in the Activity of Learning to Teach English in Chile.” Cultural-historical Approach : Educational Research in Different Contexts.Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 2015. pp.73-98
  46. Barahona, M. (2015). English Language Teacher Education in Chile: A cultural historical activity theory perspective. Routledge.
  47. Barahona, M. (2016). Challenges and accomplishments of ELT at primary level in Chile: Towards the aspiration of becoming a bilingual country.. education policy analysis archives, 24, 82. doi:
  48. Barahona, M. (2017). Exploring Models of Team Teaching in Initial Foreign/Second Language Teacher Education: A Study in Situated Collaboration. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 42(12).  Retrieved from
  49. Barahona, M. (2018). Trends in Teacher Development Programs. The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. 1–14.
  50. Barahona, M., & Ibaceta-Quijanes, X. (2019). Neither Fish nor Fowl: the Contested Identity of Teachers of English in an EFL Context. RELC Journal.
  51. Barahona, M. (2019). What matters to supervisors and is this reflected in what they do? Analysing the work of university supervisors of the practicum. Journal of Education for Teaching, 45(3), 262-276. doi:10.1080/09589236.2019.1599509
  52. Barahona, M., & Ibaceta-Quijanes, X. (2019).La enseñanza en equipo como un modelo alternativo en la formación práctica de profesores de inglés: un estudio de caso en Chile. IKALA, 24(3). doi: 10.17533/udea.ikala.v24n03a03
  53. Barahona, M., & Benitez, R. (2020). Empowering Student-Teachers to become highly capable English language Educators. In Banegas, D. (ed). Content Knowledge in English Language Teacher Education International Experiences. London: Bloomsbury. pp. 185-200.
  54. Barahona, M. (2020). Developing and enacting professional pedagogical responsibility: a CHAT perspective. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, (9), 2, 131-152.
  55. Barahona, M.(2020). The potential of translanguaging as a core teaching practice in an EFL context, System
  56. Barahona, M., & Davin, K. J. (2021). A practice-based approach to foreign language teacher preparation: A cross-continental collaboration. Profile: Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 23(1), 181–196.
  57. Barahona, M., Delaporte-Raurich, C., & Ibaceta-Quijanes, X. (2021). “It is impossible to teach English in English”: Preservice teachers’ struggles to facilitate L2 comprehensibility in English. TESOL Journal, n/a(n/a), e578.
  58. Barahona, M., & Darwin, S. (2021). Exploring tensions in integrating core practices into initial EFL teacher education programs in the Chilean context. Language Teaching Research
  59. Barahona, M. & Ibaceta-Quijanes, X. (2022). Chilean EFL student teachers and social justice: ambiguity and uncertainties in understanding their professional pedagogical responsibility. Teachers and Teaching. DOI: 10.1080/13540602.2022.2062726
  60. Barahona, M. & Toledo-Sandoval, F. (2022) Exploring Chilean EFL Student Teachers’ Development of Teacher Identity Through Perezhivanie, Journal of Language, Identity & Education, DOI: 10.1080/15348458.2022.2075875
  61. Barahona, M., David, V., Gallegos, F., Reyes, J., Ibaceta-Quijanes, X., & Darwin, S. (2023). Analysing preservice teachers’ enactment of the UDL framework to support diverse students in a remote teaching context. System
  62. Barahona, M., & Darwin, S. (2023). Balancing being a ‘good teacher’ and a ‘motivating teacher of English’: Analysing the sense of professional responsibility of pre-service EFL teachers. Language Teaching Research, 0(0).
  63. Barahona, M., Darwin, S., Durán-Castro, M., & Lobos Stevens, C. (2024). Analyzing teacher educators’ perspectives on professional pedagogical responsibility in initial EFL teacher education. Cogent Education, 11(1).
  64. Barahona, M., & Ibaceta-Quijanes, X. (2024). Chilean EFL student teachers and social justice: ambiguity and uncertainties in understanding their professional pedagogical responsibility. Teachers and Teaching, 30(2), 166-180. 
  65. Barahona, M., David, V., Guzmán, M. C. Ó., Pavez, N., Salas, C., & Stöckel, P. (2025). Embracing Dialogic Feedback in Chilean Efl Teacher Education: A Self-Study of Teacher Educator Practices. In Golombek, P., Johnson, K., and Rieker, J. (Eds). Transformative L2 Teacher Education Innovations (pp. 203-227). Routledge.
  66. Barger, C., & Sandoval Rubilar, P. (2020). Language Orientations of Chilean Secondary Students in Relation to the Study of English as a Foreign Language. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, 22(2).
  67. Barger, C., Toro, M. M. U., Balbontín-Alvarado, R., & Muñoz, B. C. M. Democratising teacher education through community-engaged teaching: Addressing the theory–practice divide. In Veliz, L., Barahona, M., & Darwin, S. (Eds.). Critiquing the Teaching and Learning of English in Chile.(pp. 13-28). Routledge.
  68. Barraza, J. V. (2014). Using interactive graphical and technological strategies for EFL reading comprehension: A case study involving engineering students. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, 16(1). 29-39.
  69. Barrios Bulling, T., & Guzmán, N. G. (2020). Suggestions to Increase Oral Participation in an at-risk Chilean Public Primary EFL Classroom. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ), 11(1).
  70. Baynham, M. (1983). Mother tongue materials and second language literacy. ELT Journal, 37(4), 312-318.
  71. Birkner, V., & Cortez-Seitz, T. (2024). ELT textbook adaptation as a tool for social justice in disadvantaged schools: Empowering marginalised students. In Veliz, L., Barahona, M., & Darwin, S. (Eds.). Critiquing the Teaching and Learning of English in Chile.(pp. 177-190). Routledge.
  72. Blasquez, F. B., & Tagle, T. (2010). Formación docente: un estudio de las creencias de alumnos y profesores sobre el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje del inglés. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, (54/4).
  73. Briesmaster, M. y Etchegaray, P. (2017). Coherence and cohesion in EFL students’ writing production: The impact of a metacognition-based intervention. Íkala, Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura, 22(2), 177-196.
  74. British Council (2015). English in Chile: An examination of policy, perceptions, and influencing factors. In English in Latin America: An examination of policy and perceptions of seven countries. Retrieved from Last Access: 15.06.15
  75. Burgos, E. G. (2024). Is English teacher preparation in Chile culturally relevant? A critical analysis of course structures 1. In Veliz, L., Barahona, M., & Darwin, S. (Eds.). Critiquing the Teaching and Learning of English in Chile.(pp. 105-119). Routledge.
  76. Burns, A., & Westmacott, A. (2018). Teacher to researcher: Reflections on a new action research program for university EFL teachers. Profile: Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 20(1), 15-23.
  77. Burns, A., A. Westmacott, and A. Hidalgo Ferrer. (2016). Initiating an action research programme for university EFL teachers: Early experiences and responses. Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research, 4(3), pp.55-73.
  78. Bustos Beck, M. (2007). Applied Linguistics/Learning to Read in ESL. Literatura y lingüística, (18), 233-251. Retrieved July 25, 2014, from 10.4067/S0716-58112007000100014.
  79. Bustos-Moraga, C. (2018). The Use of L1 in Teaching and Learning Vocabulary in a State-funded Chilean School. The Warwick ELTzine (15). Retrieved from: 
  80. Calisto Miranda, S., Ulloa Salazar, G., & Díaz Larenas, C. (2018). Comic-based instruction and vocabulary learning among 11th and 12th graders in two Chilean schools. InterSedes, 19(39). doi:
  81. Campaña, A., & Farias, M. (2022). Literacidad medioambiental de profesores de inglés en formación. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (51), 43-62.
  82. Canales Volpone, P., Tironi, Ángela, Pozo, M., Sandoval, C., & Palominos, M. (2021). Un enfoque basado en principios de ELT para la educación universitaria: innovador proyecto piloto de cursos de inglés. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (48).
  83. Cancino, M. (2015). Assessing Learning opportunities in EFL classroom interaction: What can conversation analysis tell us? RELC Journal, 46(2), 115 –129
  84. Cancino, M., Durán, M., & Solorza, C. (2020). What Learning Can Do to Teaching: Assessing the Impact of Apprenticeship of Observation on Pre-service Teachers’ Beliefs. English Teaching & Learning, 1-16. doi: 10.1007/s42321-019-00044-z
  85. Cancino, M. (2019). Exploring teachers’ and learners’ overlapped turns in the language classroom: Implications for classroom interactional competence. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 9(4), 581-606.
  86. Cancino, M., & Díaz, G. (2020). Exploring the Code-Switching Behaviours of Chilean EFL High School Teachers: A Function-Focused Approach. Profile: Issues in Teachers´ Professional Development, 22(2), 115-130. doi:
  87. Cancino Avila, M. and Panes Alvarez, J. (2021). The impact of Google Translate L2 writing quality measures: Evidence from Chilean EFL high school learners, System,
  88. Cancino, M., & Ibarra, P. (2023). EFL Secondary Education Teachers’ Perceptions Toward Using Online Student Response Systems. Profile: Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 25(1), 97–111.
  89. Cancino, M. (2023). Topic interest increases L2 incidental vocabulary learning and effective dictionary look-up behaviour. Learning and Motivation, 83, 101920. 
  90. Cancino, M., & Nuñez, I. (2023). EFL Teachers’ Perceptions Towards Multicultural Classrooms: The Role of Intercultural Sensitivity in Developing Intercultural Communicative Competence. REFLections, 30(3), 620–646. 
  91. Cancino, M., & Tomicic, N. (2023). English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Reading Metacognition Awareness in Chilean Learners with Autism Spectrum Condition: An Exploratory Study. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language–TESL-EJ, 26(4), 1–28.
  92. Cancino, M., & Gonzalez, N. (2023). Exploring Reading Attitudes, Reading Self-Efficacy, and Reading Proficiency in a Blended Learning Context Among EFL Learners. Journal of Language and Education, 9(4), 31–45.
  93. Cancino, M., & Viguera, C. (2024). The impact of a gamified approach on vocabulary learning and vocabulary self-efficacy: evidence from a Chilean primary EFL school. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas, 19, 33–43. 
  94. Carabantes, L. (2016). Book review: English Language Teacher Education in Chile: A Cultural Historical Activity Theory Perspective. English Language Teacher Education and Development (ELTED) Journal 19, pp.54-56.
  95. Carabantes, L. (2024) ‘It’s like English is given more emphasis than the topic’: Designing Materials in English Language Teacher Education. TESOL Quarterly.
  96. Carabantes, L. and A. Paran (2018). “English language teaching in South America. Policy, preparation and practices, Lia D. Kamhi-Stein, Gabriel Díaz Maggioli, Luciana C. de Oliveira (Eds.), Multilingual Matters, Bristol & Blue Ridge Summit (2017).” System: 1-3.
  97. Carabantes, L. (2018). How do preservice teachers learn to design ELT materials? Teacher Training and Education SIG newsletter, 9-11.
  98. Carabantes, L. and Paran, A. (2022), ‘It may also be our own fault to think so, to limit them before even trying’: Assuming Learner Limitations during Materials Design in English Language Teacher Education. TESOL Quarterly
  99. Carabantes, L. and Paran, A. (2022), “I Preferred to Take Another Activity From the Textbook”: An Activity–Theoretical Study of Learning to Design Language Teaching Materials. The Modern Language Journal
  100. Carbonne, Soffía, & de la Barra-Van Treek, E. (2024). Introducing Cooperative Learning for ELT in Chile: Two Teachers’ Perceptions and Use. REXE- Revista De Estudios Y Experiencias En Educación, 23(51), 391–408. 
  101. Cárcamo, B. (2018). Types of listening comprehension promoted in the Chilean EFL textbook Global English. Colomb.appl. linguist. j., 20(1), pp. 49-61.
  102. Cárcamo Morales, B. (2016). Improving performance in interaction tasks by implementing effective feedback strategies and task repetition. The Language, Education and Culture Journal, 3(1).
  103. Cárcamo, B. (2020). Readability and types of questions in Chilean EFL high school textbooks. TESOL Journal, 11(2).
  104. Cárcamo, B. (2020). Classifying Written Corrective Feedback for Research and Educational Purposes: A Typology Proposal. Profile: Issues in Teachers´ Professional Development, 22(2), 211-222. doi:
  105. Cárcamo, B. & Pérez, C. (2022). Toward autonomous learning: Exploring participating in an online second language course. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 12(5), 449-455.
  106. Cárcamo, B. (2023). The roles of vocabulary knowledge and metacognitive awareness as mediators between prior knowledge and L2 academic reading. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 33(2), 292-326.
  107. Cárcamo, B. (2023). El impacto de una experiencia de enseñanza en la autoeficacia de los profesores de inglés como lengua extranjera (ILE) en etapa de formación. Revista de Estudios y Experiencias en Educación, 22(50), 336-354.
  108. Cárcamo, B. (2023).  The issue of readability in the Chilean EFL textbook. How, 30(2), 135-155.
  109. Cárcamo, B., & Hernandez, C. (2024). “There Are Days When You Feel Alone”: Exploring English as a Foreign Language Teachers’ Perceptions of their Efforts to Promote Interaction in Online Classes. Colombian Applied Linguistics, 26(1), 47-61.
  110. Cárcamo, B. (2024). Within the ‘Educational Chasm’: The Chilean ELT Textbook and the Development of Multimodal Literacy. Language Teaching Research Quarterly, 40, 161-174.
  111. Cárcamo, B., & Carmona, C. (2024). The Impact of a Vision Intervention on Translation and Interpretation Students’ L2 Motivation. Ikala, 29(1), 1-19.
  112. Carcamo, B., & Carmona, C. (2024). Improving EFL students’ multimodal literacy through infographics. ELT Journal, ccae049.
  113. Cárdenas Claros, M. and Oyanedel, M. (2016). Teachers’ implicit theories and use of ICTs in the language classroom. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 25(2), pp.207-225.
  114. Cárdenas-Claros, M., Puentes-Dassonvalle, K., Cáceres-Ramírez, B., Aliaga-Vivar, C., Ríos-Cittadini, M., & Rodríguez-Arias, P. (2020). Including technology-enhanced listening in your language lessons: a handbook for EFL contexts. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Viña del Mar, Chile.
  115. Cárdenas-Claros, M. (2020). Spontaneous links between help option use and input features that hinder second language listening comprehension, System. doi:
  116. Cárdenas-Claros, M. S. (2020). Conceptualizing feedback in computer-based L2 language listening. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 1–26.
  117. Cárdenas-Claros, M. & P. Dassonvalle, K. (2022). A first step to task design in computer-based L2 listening: Task characteristics elicitation. In Colpaert & Stockwell (eds). Smart CALL. (pp. 266-292) Castletown publications.
  118. Cárdenas-Claros, M (2022). Computer-based L2 listening. In Coombe & Mohebbi (Eds). Research Questions in Language Education and Applied Linguistics. (pp. 615-620). Springer: Berlin
  119. Cárdenas-Claros, M, Campos-Ibaceta, A. &, Vera, J. (2021). Listeners’ patterns of interaction with help options: towards empirically-based pedagogy. Language Learning & Technology. 25(2), 111-134
  120. Cárdenas-Moncada, C., Véliz-Campos, M., & Véliz, L. (2020). Game-Based Student Response Systems: The Impact of Kahoot in a Chilean Vocational Higher Education EFL Classroom. Computer-Assisted Language Learning Electronic Journal (CALL-EJ)21(1), 64-78.
  121. Cataldo López, M. (2008). Delineating Latino Student’s Reading Strategies. Literatura y lingüística, (19), 265-281. Retrieved July 25, 2014, from 10.4067/S0716-58112008000100015.
  122. Cautín, V. (2015) Análisis crítico del discurso: una discusión sobre su relevancia. The LEC Journal 2(1). ISSN 0719-497
  123. Cautín-Epifani, V., Arellano Arellano, R., Pezoa Tudela, R., & Gladic Miralles, J. (2020). Creencias docentes de profesores en formación sobre el aprendizaje de la lectura en L2: bases teóricas y una propuesta de investigación. Estudios Pedagógicos, 46(1), 33-44. doi:10.4067/S0718-07052020000100033
  124. Cerna, M. (2017). Reflective innovations to overcome challenges in a Chilean action research project: my personal reflections. ELTED 20 (1).
  125. Charbonneau-Gowdy, P.  & Pizarro, J. (2017).  #IMHO: Extending Social Media to Promote the Development of Critical Thinking Skills of EFL Pre- Service Teachers, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on e-Learning (ICEL), University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA, Academic Conferences Limited, p. 48-55.
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