
Published by admin on

Decentring: Chile

Assessment and Feedback in ELT

Many educators rely solely on traditional assessment. However, research shows that
integrating both traditional and alternative assessments, such as tests, portfolios, and
projects, can create a positive and dynamic learning environment. This blended approach
promotes peer feedback, critical thinking, and student autonomy, offering a more
comprehensive evaluation of student abilities. By combining these strategies, educators
can support continuous improvement and better prepare students for real-world
communication and problem-solving.
To further enhance student outcomes, some schools emphasize communicative skills
through oral performance assessments as well as providing effective feedback. This
fosters positive teacher-student relationships and bridges the gap between teaching
practices and student needs. Constructive feedback helps students understand their
progress and areas for improvement, ultimately enhancing their learning experience and
motivation. By integrating these methods, educators can create a supportive and engaging
learning environment that encourages continuous growth.